A High-Performance Vehicle

Is Only as Good as the Driver

Why NHK?

When you demand the highest quality seat at the lowest possible cost, delivered without fail to your production line—day after day after day—technology only gets you so far.

Eventually, the value of your supplier comes down to the experience and wisdom of those managing the process. That’s the NHK difference.

Why NHK?

Reliable Cost, Quality & Delivery Solutions

With NHK Seating, you’ll have the advanced design, testing and fully integrated manufacturing capabilities you’d expect among leading seat and seat-component suppliers.

But you’ll also have the management stability necessary to optimize these assets for 100% on-time delivery at a single-digit PPM return rate.

Because You Can’t Afford Any Doubt

At NHK, we maintain a culture of accountability, a commitment to our people and a record for low turnover that promise you a competence and personnel longevity you simply won’t find in any other seat supplier.

While others seemingly have employee turnstiles, always offering new contacts, NHK has tenured troubleshooters—from the office to the floor, who’ve “been there, done that”—offering you nothing but solutions.

That’s how NHK Seating meets your cost, quality and delivery requirements for the long haul.